Deploy MinIO on Docker Compose Slack Docker Pulls

Docker Compose allows defining and running single host, multi-container Docker applications.

With Compose, you use a Compose file to configure MinIO services. Then, using a single command, you can create and launch all the Distributed MinIO instances from your configuration. Distributed MinIO instances will be deployed in multiple containers on the same host. This is a great way to set up development, testing, and staging environments, based on Distributed MinIO.

1. Prerequisites

2. Run Distributed MinIO on Docker Compose

To deploy Distributed MinIO on Docker Compose, please download docker-compose.yaml and nginx.conf to your current working directory. Note that Docker Compose pulls the MinIO Docker image, so there is no need to explicitly download MinIO binary. Then run one of the below commands

GNU/Linux and macOS

docker-compose pull
docker-compose up


docker stack deploy --compose-file docker-compose.yaml minio


docker-compose.exe pull
docker-compose.exe up


docker stack deploy --compose-file docker-compose.yaml minio

Distributed instances are now accessible on the host using the Minio CLI on port 9000 and the Minio Web Console on port 9001. Proceed to access the Web browser at Here 4 MinIO server instances are reverse proxied through Nginx load balancing.


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